Legal Advocacy
Helpline 1-800-924-2624
Keeping Children and Families Safe in Our Communities.
Family Advocates can provide information, support and understanding of legal procedures. We will also assist you in completing legal forms such as restraining orders, child custody, divorce and Crime Victim Compensation applications.
You may also ask our advocates to accompany you to court for support and understanding of the process. Please call our 24-hour help line for peer counseling and advocacy support at 1-800-924-2624.
This Website is not a substitute for a discussion with a qualified legal counselor.
Types of Restraining Orders
Domestic Order
Abuse may be hitting, pushing, slapping kicking, choking, punching, biting, restraining you from leaving, using a weapon, forcing sexual acts against your will, or repeated threats to harm you.
For assistance filling out any legal forms, please contact us at 608.348.5995.
Child Abuse Order
Child abuse can be physical injury, sexual contact or intercourse, sexual exploitation of the child, forcing the child to view sexual activity, exposing genitals or pubic area of child, causing the child to expose genitals or pubic area, permitting or encouraging the child to violate the prostitution laws, and emotional damage to the child.
For assistance filling out any legal forms, please contact us at 608.348.5995​.
Harassment Order
Harassment includes striking, shoving, kicking a person or threatening to do the same Harassment can also include repeatedly committing acts that harass or intimidate another person and serve no legitimate purpose.
For assistance filling out any legal forms, please contact us at 608.348.5995​.